Stella Ting-Toomey

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Stella Ting-Toomey, Ph.D., is Professor of Human Communication Studies at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF), USA. Her teaching passions include intercultural communication theory and training and intergroup conflict management. She is the author or editor of 18 books, 4 intercultural training manuals, and more than 130 articles and chapters in prestigious communication journals and handbooks. She has written extensively on the topics of cultural-ethnic identity negotiation processes, intergroup identity shock issues, and conflict face negotiation styles. She is a recipient of the system-wide CSU Wang Family Excellence Award and the CSUF Outstanding Professor Award in recognition for superlative teaching, research, and service. Dr. Ting-Toomey has also delivered major keynote speeches on the theme of mindful intercultural communication in South Africa, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Canada, and different regions of the U.S.   As a trainer, consultant, and certified mediator, she has designed and conducted a variety of intercultural conflict adaptability and competence workshops for corporations, universities, and non-profit centers and institutes.  


Sivasailam Thiagarajan (Thiagi)


Megan Torrance