ZOOM Logistics
As one would expect, given the title of this section, for all our SYNCHRONOUS sessions, we use a platform called ZOOM ZOOM uses VOIP technology.
We will leverage the camera function. If you don’t have a camera that is ok, but if possible, it would be nice so we can see you. You will see all panelists, presenters, interviewees, interviewers,, and several of the other participants.
We will also use the audio function. You will want either a microphone or a headset so you can talk. For this to work, try and locate yourself in a quiet area. You can mute yourself if there is background noise and unmute when you want to talk. We also STRONGLY URGE you to use a laptop or desktop, which will give you the complete ZOOM functionality. A device like a phone or tablet has just limited ZOOM access and is better for mostly one-way communication. Finally, we will use the CHAT function and the White Board function. For this, you will need to type on your device or a keyboard. So, as mentioned, we do recommend using a headset or a speaker rather than your phone to your ear.
If you have any tech questions, please contact Matthew at matthew@thiagi.com or at 415-385-7248 and he can help you out.
If you need a phone link, use the “FIND YOUR LOCAL NUMBER” link below. This is helpful if your bandwidth is weak. You can dial in to hear the audio, but still log on for the visual access. But, try the VOIP link first. Find your local number here: https://zoom.us/u/advzavpVqp.
For each session, the virtual room will open 20 minutes before the start. Feel free to log on and try out the tech during that time to make sure it all works for you before the session begins.
We will post any associated handouts and access to the program recording on Pathwright after each session within 24 hours.
To join a ZOOM Meeting, click on the links we provide in Pathwright.
Below is a video for using ZOOM as a participant. Please watch it in advance of your first ZOOM session- unless you are already familiar with the basic features.