A pioneering L&D event: a conference designed to support human learning and action in the workflow
How does this thing work?
First, you’ve gotta register! Once you’ve done that, you will receive a conference packet from us with instructions. On opening day, our organizers, Will and Matt, will host an opening kick-off to share how the conference will work over the coming 6 weeks. To help you plan, you’ll get a scheduler so you can plot out all the live events you want to attend (remember, there will be videos of them after the fact if you cannot be there).
You’ll also get a super handy organizer to help you plot out how you want to tackle the various asynchronous workshops. In other words, we will provide you with all the tools you need to organize and fully maximize this very robust conference experience.
No confusing schedules. No lost opportunities. Just lots and lots of learning.
What’s included in the L&D Conference
You do you, learn when you want
The beauty of an online conference is that you attend what you want and skip what you don’t. Stop the chaos and stop trying to squeeze it all in those two short days. Panic over!
The great news is if you do want to learn something else later, there is always a video capture of everything we do, for your future enjoyment.
On-demand conference sessions
There are already 20+ sessions in the works for you. Because they are asynchronous, meaning you can go through them whenever you want and at your leisure; you set the pace and fit learning around your time.
Unlike in-person conferences, where you can only attend a few sessions, the L&D Conference ensures you can go to as many workshops as you want.
Live sessions to get you involved
Whatever you fancy, there are plenty of live events planned, too. Think debates, panel discussions with industry experts, interviews, networking events, and more.
As they’re scheduled at different times of the day (we are an international conference after all), all sessions will be video captured and shared within 24 hours. Nice.
One-to-one sessions with experts
Most of our conference faculty will set up office hours where you can get some good, quality, one-on-one time with them. Just sign up using the handy-dandy scheduler in their bios (open once the conference begins), and you are set.
Get feedback on a project, a design, or something you are working on during the conference. Or, you can discuss something you want to clarify about the presenter’s workshop. Use this time to tap into expertise for which you’d never usually have access.
What freebies do you get to take home?
Well… since you are most likely already at home, this is easy (no free pen plans at present). But, from a program perspective, you will have access throughout the conference to all sessions and their respective videos until the very end.
Presenters will provide loads of handouts and other learning materials too. Those are yours forever. We’ll have a presenter bookstore, discount areas for loads of new stuff. and other odds and ends.
And, you’ll have memories. Don’t forget the memories.
Loads more to be announced!
We love creating and we’re keen to keep adding to the list of activities we have planned for you. Like all conferences, we hope to overwhelm you with so many cool things to do, you don’t know where to start. We want you to really learn as much as possible
Because the conference isn’t just for 2-4 days, and over six weeks instead, you will have the chance to experience it all - network with experts and your peers - and have the most fantastic learning experience ever.