So… Why Attend the L&D Conference 2020?
We’re here to help you choose
You’re an L&D professional or a manager of L&D professionals. You want to know whether the upcoming L&D Conference provides value, whether it will be worth the money and time — and most importantly, whether it will translate into performance improvements, access to new insights, and inspiration.
We get that (and we want you with us), so here’s everything you need to help you decide.
Changing The Way We Conference
The first thing you should know is that the L&D Conference pioneers a new way of conferencing. Yep… we’re going to break some things. On purpose!
We’re nurturing a new wave of great learning events.
We believe that careful, calculated boldness will create learning breakthroughs.
This conference is more than just webinars… it’s intentionally different!
Giving You Better Opportunities To Evolve
Old fashioned conferences—the face-to-face variety—were indeed sometimes invigorating.
They were often a good way to know what was hot and what was not.
But traditional conferences weren’t really designed for learning, and they certainly weren’t designed to help attendees bring their insights back to work.
Things learned in conference sessions faded when we returned to our jobs, when other priorities got in the way.
We forgot what we learned and our inspiration to get something done just didn’t hold up!
But is there an alternative? Is a better conference design even possible? We think so! Here are some of the key benefits for attending the L&D Conference 2020:
Learn When There is Time to Learn!
Learn When You Want to Learn!
You will be able to learn over six weeks. Heck… you will be able to learn even while you are working!
Featured Sessions will be partly asynchronous—meaning that you can engage the learning at your own convenience, your own pace, and when it fits into your work and personal schedules. We call it the Work-Life-Learning balance.
Learn in the Workflow
The design of the L&D Conference will enable and encourage you to take learning immediately back to work. It’s a six-week experience, giving you time to share what you’ve learned with your teams. You get to try things out and then get feedback and encouragement from our world-class speakers and other enlightened attendees. No longer will the learning fade. Immediate application is baked into the conference experience!
Access to World-Class Speakers
Our speakers are handpicked from among the best and brightest in the L&D community, from across the globe.
We’ve got thought leaders, but only those who have been there and done that! Real L&D practitioners. Real research translators. Brilliant communicators. People who are devoted to helping others be successful.
Speakers from all over the world with so much expertise!
Leverage Research-Inspired, Evidence-Informed Practical Skills
We believe you should walk away in August with practical, immediately usable nuggets of insight—skills that make a difference and improve learning outcomes.
We also believe that you should NOT be subjected to myths, common misconceptions, and hype. No snake-oil for you! We selected speakers based on the practicality and effectiveness of their messaging— not marketing hype.
Not Just Webinars!
Webinars have their place, but as learning architects we know better than to think webinars can produce behavior change by themselves. The L&D Conference is not a hodgepodge of webinars strung together. Instead, it uses asynchronous and synchronous sessions to drive personal development and enable you to drive organizational change back on the job.
Get More for Less Money!
At old fashioned conferences, you are expected to sit in maybe a dozen sessions over three days. That’s it! Here you can sample over 25 Featured Sessions, choosing what you most need to learn! There are six weeks, so you could engage in all these workshops if you so choose—or just the select ones you want.
In addition to these Featured Sessions, there will be tons of other live sessions including panels, debates, interviews, discussions, networking, and more. No other conference has ever enabled attendees to learn so much!
Still More Benefits for Attending the Conference
No travel expenses, no travel exhaustion, no travel stress.
Less time lost from work, less time away from family.
No travel pollution, no carbon footprint.
Serious networking opportunities. Both live and asynchronous.
A closer connection to speakers and attendees.
A Discount House, where attendees get discounts from speakers, sponsors, and other vendors.
A truly global experience with speakers and attendees from all over the world.
A diversity of speakers with varied experience, skill sets, and geographies.
A diversity of participants. Of the folks already registered, we have five continents represented so far!
It’s an innovative and pioneering learning experience from the first-ever L&D Conference designed for the post-COVID-19 future.