Presentation Science and the Art of Using Slide Design to Guide Attention

Will Thalheimer

Presentations are the life blood of organizational communication and training. Yet many fail disastrously. But here’s the scary part—even presentations that seem to succeed, that get rave reviews, most of these are failing too! Yes, they engage and can inspire, but do they lead to action? Most don’t. Most fail to align with science-of-learning fundamentals. Most fail to help people learn, remember, and act! In this session, noted research-to-practice consultant Will Thalheimer will share his Presentation Science secrets on how to maximize your presentation success. He’ll show us how to rid our presentations of bullet points, how to guide attention, how to use the eye-path phenomenon to our advantage, how to avoid the dangers of branding, how to maximize our slide geography. If you want your training or your everyday presentations to succeed, this session is not to be missed!


Tools, Tips, and PowerPoint


Designing Training Activities