Using Game Elements to Create Engaging, Impactful Instruction
Karl M. Kapp
Have you ever “lost time” playing a game? Or had an “ah-ha” moment while trying to solve a problem within a game? If you have, you know that games can deeply engage players and help them stay on task longer. What if the same techniques used in games could be applied to the creation of learning events?
It is possible and desirable to use game elements, ideas and concepts in the design of instruction. In this session, you'll learn how to think like a game designer and apply techniques from games to the design of instruction.
We’ll review methods of creating engaging, interesting instruction by considering game design elements such as challenge, narrative, failure and exploration. You'll have the opportunity to dissect a game to see what makes it effective, and then you'll be asked to apply those same ideas to your content. You won't be developing entire game; instead, you'll be asked to intelligently apply game elements to your traditional instruction to make it more engaging and action-oriented.
In this session, you will learn:
Why failure, fantasy and challenge can be powerful and effective motivators in the design of instruction
How to dissect a game to understand the underlying mechanics, core dynamics and essential elements
How to apply the game elements to the design of instruction.